Khatam-ul-Khwajagaan an Naqshbandiyya
The 'Seal of the Masters' is the definitive tool in the quiver of the Traveller.
It is a collection of supplications from the Qur'an, ordered and enumerated
by the Khwajagaan to raise the Traveller from the lower realities into
the Divine court and present his supplications there. The khatam is read
twice daily: after Fajr and after
Magrib.Both of these are detailed below.
Seal of the Masters of Wisdom of the Naqshbandiyya Way - rememberance in congregation
after the obligatory sunset prayer.
In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
Sura tul-Faatihah |
7 Times |
"All Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds. The All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. Master of the Day of Judgment.
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Guide us in the Straight Path.
The Path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
Those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astray."
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Sura tul-Inshirah |
79 Times |
"Have We not expanded your breast for you? And We have taken off from you your burden -
Which had weighed down your back - And We have exalted for you your remembrance.
So verily, with every hardship there is ease - Again, surely with every hardship there is ease.
Therefore, when you are free, still labour hard, And to your Lord turn your attention."
Sura tul-Ikhlaas |
1000 Times |
"Say: 'He is Allaah, the One and Only. Allaah, the Eternal, Absolute.
He begets not nor is He begotten - Nor is there anyone equal to Him.'"
Sura tul-Faatihah |
7 Times |
"All Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds. The All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. Master of the Day of Judgment.
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Guide us in the Straight Path.
The Path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
Those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astray."
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Aaya tul Kareemah |
500 Times |
Laa ilaaha illaa anta subhaanaka innee kuntu minaz-zaalimeen |
"There is no god except You. Glory be to You! Surely I was from the wrongdoers."
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Laa ilaha illallaahu |
100 Times |
There is no god except Allah (Exalted is He)
O Allaah! (the One Whose Existence is necessary)
O Mighty One!
O Loving One!
O Generous One!
O Bestower!
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoom |
100 Times |
O Ever-Living One! O the Self-Sustaining One!
Has bunallaahu wa ni'mal wakeel-ni'mal mawlaa wa ni'man-naseer |
100 Times |
Allaah is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Guardian. The Excellent Protector and the Excellent Helper!
Yaa Qaadiyal Hajaat |
100 Times |
O Fulfiller of Needs!
Yaa Daafi'al Baliyyaat |
100 Times |
O Averter of calamities!
Yaa Hallal Mushkilaat |
100 Times |
O Changer of Difficulties to easiness!
Yaa Kaafiyal Muhimmaat |
100 Times |
O Sufficient One for difficulties!
Yaa Shaafi'yal Amraad |
100 Times |
O Curer of illnesses!
Yaa Munazzilal Barakaat |
100 Times |
O Causer of Blessings to descend!
Yaa Musabbibal Asbaab |
100 Times |
O Originator of Causes!
Yaa Raafi'ad Darajaat |
100 Times |
O Elevator of Spiritual Stations!
Yaa Mujeebad Da'waat |
100 Times |
O Responder of Supplications!
Yaa Amaanal Khaa-i-feen |
100 Times |
O Hope of the fearful ones!
Yaa Khayran - Naasireen |
100 Times |
O Best of the Helpers!
Yaa Daleelal Mutahayyireen |
100 Times |
O Guide of those who are Astonished in Your love!
Yaa Ghiyaathal Mustaghitheena Aghithnaa |
100 Times |
O Listener of Supplications, listen to our supplication!
Yaa Mufarrihal Mahzooneen |
100 Times |
O Bestower of Happiness on the sorrowful!
Rabbi innee maghloobun fantasir |
100 Times |
My Lord! Verily I have been overpowered, so Help me!
Yaa Allaahu, Yaa Rahmaanu,Yaa Raheemu, Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen |
100 Times |
O Allaah! O All-Merciful! O All-Compassionate! O most Merciful of the merciful!
Kalima At Tamjeed |
100 Times |
Subhaanllaahi wal-Hamdu lillaahi wa laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu Akbar
walaa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaahil 'Aliyyil 'Azeem |
Glory be to Allaah and all Praise is due to Allaah, there is no god but Allaah,
Allaah is the Greatest. There is no power nor any strength except with Allaah, the All-High, the Supreme!
Allaahummas turnee bisatrikal jameel |
100 Times |
O Allaah! Cover me with Your Beautiful Veil!
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Supplication (Du'a)
The following Dua was recited by our Blessed Shaykh
(please note: certain elements have been expanded to facilitate a coherent understanding
in the English Language. Furthermore, elements have been added that are recited
by Mawlana Shaykh Riaz Ahmad an-Naqshbandi)
Recital of Salawaat Tu'naj'inah then Sura tul-Faatihah
Sharif followed by:
"O Allah, I implore you through your Infinite Mercy,
accept this Khatam in Your Court. I present the blessings of this Khatam as a present,
a gift, as a countenance in the Sacred presence of the Messenger of Allah (Allah
bless him and give him peace). Through the blessings of the Messenger of Allah (Allah
bless him and give him peace) I present the blessings of the Khatam to all the souls
of the Anbiya (Prophets) (Allah's blessings be upon them all), Shu'hada (Matyrs) and
the Sali'heen (The Pious Ones). Further, I present its blessings to all the souls of
the Khawajaghan (Masters) of the Naqshbandiyya, Qadiriyya, Chistiyya, Suhwardiyya and Uwaysiyya.
I present it to all the souls of the believing men Mu'mi'neen, believing women Mu'mi'naat;
to all the submitting men Musli'meen and submitting women Mus'li'maat. To all the Muslims,
man, jinn, women who have lived, are living and will live.
I present the blessings of the Khatam to the souls
of Sayyidunnaa Shah Baha'Ud'Din Naqshband, Sayyidunnaa Khawajah Moin'Ud'Din Chisti,
Sayyidunnaa Shahab'Ud'Din Suhwardi and to Sayyidunnaa Gawth al Azam Shaykh Abd'ul
Qadir al-Jilani al-Hassani wal-Hussaini. Further I present the blessings of the
Khatam to the blessed soul of my master Mawlana Shaykh Khawajah Sufi Muhammad Aslam,
O Allah elevate his rank, bless us by following his way and keep us in his company!
O Allah, I beseech you through your Infinite Mercy
that through the Baraka (goodness) of the Khatam make all difficulties easy. O Allah
protect us from the attacks of shaitan and the zalimen (evil transgressors). O Allah
protect us further from the attacks of the ego (nafs) and the desires of the world
(duniya). O Allah take us away from the door of others and keep us at your door
(in your blessed countenance). Shift us away from the presence of others and enable
us to seek Your (Majestic and Beautiful) Presence.
O Allah the brothers who are present and not, elevate
them to their destined station. O Allah reform and correct the Ummah of the Messenger
of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), bless the Ummah of the Messenger
of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace). O Allah have pity upon state of the
Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)! Create amongst
the Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) a sense
of understanding and brotherhood.
O Generous Lord! Make the residents of this locality
virtuous. O Allah! have Mercy on the state of this locality. Grant harmony and understanding
between each other. O Allah instil: within those unable to pray the ability to pray;
within those who have no Dhikr (Remembrance of You) the ability to make Dhikr; within
those who have no Fikr (no worry or concern of their deeds) the ability to reflect;
bestow upon those who have no offspring pious and upright progeny.
O Allah! Those friends who ask us and write to us to
supplicate for them and render their service to us for Your Pleasure and those who
travel far distances seeking Your Pleasure, enrich them all openly and secretly.
Then recite the following completion supplication:
Un'sur'na fa'in-na'ka khair'un-Na'si'reen. Waf'tah'la'na
fa'in-na'ka khair'ul fati'heen. Wag'fir'la'na fa'in-na'ka khair'ul ga'fi'reen. War'ham'na
fa'in-na'ka khair'ur Ra'hi'meen. War'zuq'na fa'in-na'ka khair'ur Ra'zi'keen. Wah'fiz'na
fa'in-na'ka khair'ul Ha'fi'zeen. Wah'di'na wa'naj'i'na mi'nal ko'miz'zwali'meen.
Wa Sallal-la-hu-ala
Habeeb-e-hi Muhammad dinw wa 'aali-hi-wa ashaab-i-hi-aj'ma'een. Bi'rah'ma'ti'ka
Ya Ar'ha'mar Ra'hi'meen."
Seal of the Masters of Wisdom of the Naqshbandiyya Way - rememberance in congregation
after the obligatory dawn prayer.
In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
Sura tul-Faatihah |
7 Times |
"All Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds. The All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. Master of the Day of Judgment.
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Guide us in the Straight Path.
The Path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
Those whose portion is not wrath and who go not astray."
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
wa bihamdihee Subhaanallaahil 'azeem - Astaghfirullaaha Rabbee
min kulli zambin fagh-firlee |
500 Times |
Glorified is Allaah with all Praise to
Him. Glorified is Allaah, the Magnificently Great. I beseech Allaah,
for forgiveness my Lord, from every sin, So forgive me!
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Has bunallaahu wa ni�mal wakeel � ni�mal mawlaa wa ni�man-naseer |
500 Times |
Allaah is sufficient for us, and
He is the Best Guardian. The Excellent Protector and the Excellent
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu �alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Khafiyyal-lutfi adriknee bilutfi-kal Khafiyy |
500 Times |
O Most Subtle Bestower of Hidden Favours, Assist me by Your Hidden Favours!
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Laa hawla walaa Quwwata illaa billaa hil 'Aliyyil 'Azeem |
500 Times |
There is no power nor any strength except
with Allaah, the All-High, the Supreme!
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Yaa Allaahu, Yaa Rahmaanu, Yaa Raheemu, Ya Arhamar-Raahimeen irhamnaa |
500 Times |
O Allaah! O All-Merciful! O All-Compassionate! O most Merciful of the merciful! Have mercy
upon us!
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Yaa Hayyu Ya Qayyoom |
300 Times |
O Ever-Living One! O the Self-Sustaining One!
Durood Shareef |
100 Times |
Salawaat ul Khidri: Sallallaahu 'alaa Habeebihee Muhammadiw wa Aalihee wa As-haabihee
wa Sallam |
"May Allaah (Almighty and Glorious is He) send blessings upon His Beloved, Muhammad (Allaah
bless him and give him peace), and upon his Family and upon his Companions and Peace."
Supplication (Du'a)
The following Dua was recited by our Blessed Shaykh
. (please note: certain elements have been expanded to facilitate
a coherent understanding in the English Language. Furthermore, elements have been
added that are recited by Mawlana Shaykh Riaz Ahmad an-Naqshbandi)
Recital of Salawaat Tu'naj'inah then Sura tul-Faatihah
Sharif followed by:
"O Allah, I implore you through your Infinite Mercy,
accept this Khatam in Your Court. I present the blessings of this Khatam as a present,
a gift, as a countenance in the Sacred presence of the Messenger of Allah (Allah
bless him and give him peace). Through the blessings of the Messenger of Allah (Allah
bless him and give him peace) I present the blessings of the Khatam to all the souls
of the Anbiya (Prophets) (Allah's blessings be upon them all), Shu'hada (Matyrs) and
the Sali'heen (The Pious Ones). Further, I present its blessings to all the souls of
the Khawajaghan (Masters) of the Naqshbandiyya, Qadiriyya, Chistiyya, Suhwardiyya and Uwaysiyya.
I present it to all the souls of the believing men Mu'mi'neen, believing women Mu'mi'naat;
to all the submitting men Musli'meen and submitting women Mus'li'maat. To all the Muslims,
man, jinn, women who have lived, are living and will live.
I present the blessings of the Khatam to the souls
of Sayyidunnaa Shah Baha'Ud'Din Naqshband, Sayyidunnaa Khawajah Moin'Ud'Din Chisti,
Sayyidunnaa Shahab'Ud'Din Suhwardi and to Sayyidunnaa Gawth al Azam Shaykh Abd'ul
Qadir al-Jilani al-Hassani wal-Hussaini. Further I present the blessings of the
Khatam to the blessed soul of my master Mawlana Shaykh Khawajah Sufi Muhammad Aslam,
O Allah elevate his rank, bless us by following his way and keep us in his company!
O Allah, I beseech you through your Infinite Mercy
that through the Baraka (goodness) of the Khatam make all difficulties easy. O Allah
protect us from the attacks of shaitan and the zalimen (evil transgressors). O Allah
protect us further from the attacks of the ego (nafs) and the desires of the world
(duniya). O Allah take us away from the door of others and keep us at your door
(in your blessed countenance). Shift us away from the presence of others and enable
us to seek Your (Majestic and Beautiful) Presence.
O Allah the brothers who are present and not, elevate
them to their destined station. O Allah reform and correct the Ummah of the Messenger
of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), bless the Ummah of the Messenger
of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace). O Allah have pity upon state of the
Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)! Create amongst
the Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) a sense
of understanding and brotherhood.
O Generous Lord! Make the residents of this locality
virtuous. O Allah! have Mercy on the state of this locality. Grant harmony and understanding
between each other. O Allah instil: within those unable to pray the ability to pray;
within those who have no Dhikr (Remembrance of You) the ability to make Dhikr; within
those who have no Fikr (no worry or concern of their deeds) the ability to reflect;
bestow upon those who have no offspring pious and upright progeny.
O Allah! Those friends who ask us and write to us to
supplicate for them and render their service to us for Your Pleasure and those who
travel far distances seeking Your Pleasure, enrich them all openly and secretly.
Then recite the following completion supplication:
Un'sur'na fa'in-na'ka khair'un-Na'si'reen. Waf'tah'la'na
fa'in-na'ka khair'ul fati'heen. Wag'fir'la'na fa'in-na'ka khair'ul ga'fi'reen. War'ham'na
fa'in-na'ka khair'ur Ra'hi'meen. War'zuq'na fa'in-na'ka khair'ur Ra'zi'keen. Wah'fiz'na
fa'in-na'ka khair'ul Ha'fi'zeen. Wah'di'na wa'naj'i'na mi'nal ko'miz'zwali'meen.
Wa Sallal-la-hu-ala
Habeeb-e-hi Muhammad dinw wa 'aali-hi-wa ashaab-i-hi-aj'ma'een. Bi'rah'ma'ti'ka
Ya Ar'ha'mar Ra'hi'meen."