Below are a number of noteworthy wonderul books of Naqshbandiyya Aslamiyya Spiritual Welfare Organisation Publications. If you would like to purchase a copy please get in touch with us here.
Riyadh us Salikeen - Garden of the Wayfarers
This book by the Noble Shaykh, Khwaja Sufi Riaz Ahmad an-Naqshbandi Aslami covers the Aqeedah of the Ahlus Sunna wal Jama'ah, elucidating the lofty practices of the Noble Messenger of Allah (SAW) in a manner that it becomes accessible for the reader to adopt his Noble way. Obtain your own copy or buy as a gift for a loved one. Urdu/Arabic text only - Limited Stock £10.

Miftah us-Dar Asslaam - Key to the Abode of Peace
This book by the Noble Shaykh, Khwaja Sufi Riaz Ahmad an-Naqshbandi Aslami is a new collection of Noble Benedictions in praise of the Blessed Messenger of Allah (SAW). Obtain your own copy or buy as a gift for a loved one. Urdu/Arabic text only - Limited Stock £10.