The Golden Chain
There are many virtues in reciting one's Shajrah of which a few are mentioned below:
- Memorising the chain of Awliya up to Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).The Zikr and remembrance of Saleheen (Awliya) is the means of receiving Allah's Rahmah (Mercy).
- Performing the Esaal-e-Sawaab for all the Spiritual Masters, which is a cause of receiving their spiritual guidance.
- When the Mureed remembers them in times of ease the Awliya of the Silsila will remember him in times of hardship and will also be of assistance to him or her.
The Shajrah-e-Tariqat is read after the Khatm ul-Khwajagaan, It is proceeded by dhikr in assembly. You can find this below or as a download as Shajrah Shareef - JPEG or Shajrah Shareef - PDF

Shajrah-e-Tariqat (Urdu)
The Shajrah-e-Tariqat is read after the Khatm ul-Khwajagaan, It is proceeded by dhikr in assembly.

Shajrah-e-Tariqat (English)
The Shajrah-e-Tariqat is read after the Khatm ul-Khwajagaan, It is proceeded by dhikr in assembly.